part of project | WHAT TO WEAR
adornment to adornment

Shows portraits of young men adorned with jewelry made from seeds, berries, and herbs. These are provocative photos, thanks to the contrasts they embody. Such as toughness versus vulnerability, the beauty of the unconventional, and transience, which also carries the promise of a new beginning.

In The Necklace, the hard seeds of the adornment (cleavers, teasel, globe thistle), which prick a smooth, soft skin, evoke an interesting emotion. Additionally, the beads made from seeds and elderberries suggest renewal and change through new generations. The tough, powerful bodies also reveal fragility. While stringing the necklace of elderberries, unintended juice was released, creating a different image than anticipated. A necklace that causes the blue-red pearls to weep.

The seeds, berries, and leaves in the Necklaces worn by the young men were plucked on her walks, just when they seemed to ask for it. These natural materials, already beautiful in their original setting, are reimagined as necklaces. Through this transformation, they reveal a reframed beauty, inviting us to rediscover their elegance—as adornments.

The Necklace is part of the comprehensive project tentatively titled What To Wear. This project brings together various themes that preoccupy her, such as androgyny (animus | anima by Carl Jung), ambivalence, vanity, and discrepancy.

Titles of images in ‘The Necklace‘ series: The Globe Thistle Necklace (Echinops Bannaticus Necklace), The Teasel Necklace (Dipsacus Necklace), The Burdock Necklace (Arctium Lappa Necklace), The Elderberry Necklace (Sambucus Necklace), The  Blackthorn Necklace (Prunus Spinosa Necklace),The Sageflower ( salvia officinalis flower | The healer Saliva)

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